Customer Service
Think About Your Customers HBDI® Workshop
Individual thinking preferences affect communication with customers. In this course, participants learn to identify each customer’s thinking preference and use this information to adapt their own preference style to guide the situation. By the end of this course, participants will be able to adapt thinking preferences for the customer and achieve greater customer and client relations. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.
Behavioral Selling Skills
Motivelopment offers a Selling Essentials Series for participants requiring sales, customer service, influence and negotiation skills for their roles. Learn to recognize behaviors and "tells", then adjust your style to better meet the needs of you audience. Learn to pivot to address the concerns or needs of your client, peaking their interest and gaining trust. This series includes modules on grabbing a client's attention early, developing clients for life and presenting solutions that meet the customer's needs. Learn listening techniques to fully understand how to keep your client engaged and close the sale.
Client Relationships
When building a long-term, trusting relationship with a client is important to your organization, you'll want to send client-facing employees to Motivelopment's Client Relationship workshop. We help your employees understand the importance of asking the right questions and listening effectively to provide solutions that lead to a win-win relationship. Participants gain techniques on communicating clearly, ensuring that the client's needs are fully understood, and that the client understands the scope of what you will deliver. This course includes some influence skill building, designed to help your employee influence the client to a solution that benefits you both.
The Art of Influencing Others
The Art of Influencing Others is an interactive workshop that allows you to lay the foundation for more effective communication. Participants develop creative ways to establish rapport and build relationships through a deeper awareness of the power of non-verbal communication. The purpose of this training is to teach people the skills they need so that others will want to grant them the power to affect outcomes. It emphasizes the qualities that influential people have and gives participants an opportunity to assess themselves in these areas.
Navigating Difficult Situations
Despite their prevalence, difficult situations don't have to be feared or dreaded – rather, they can be handled in such a way that increases self- confidence and encourages an environment of positivity. This course introduces participants to a process for taking control in tricky situations and minimizing negative backlash to affect an environment of reduced stress, increased trust, improved relationships, and higher productivity. With realistic examples and role-playing activities, this program helps participants as they prepare, carry-out, and close difficult conversations in the most productive manner.