Diverse Thinking

HBDI Cognitive Diversity Workshops

HBDI Cognitive Diversity Workshops

There is a strategic advantage to understanding and leveraging the cognitive diversity within a team or organization. The Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument, or HBDI®, identifies each individual’s cognitive thinking preferences. These workshops build abilities to use “Whole Brain®” Thinking. Once each person has a clear understanding of their own style, teams and individuals use this knowledge to guide how they work and interact with one another. These sessions build communication skills, help teams operate more effectively, and drive a clear understanding of the value of diverse thinking. The Whole Brain Model® is a time-tested framework to decode and harness the cognitive diversity of individuals, teams, cross-functional or working groups and organizations.

Start Thinking HBDI® Workshop: Introduction to Cognitive Diversity & Thinking Preferences

To be more productive, effective and efficient, people need to leverage the connection between thinking and performance. By the end of this course, participants will be able to interpret their own HBDI® assessment results and begin to identify “clues” to the thinking preferences of others. This workshop is an introduction to HBDI® and a prerequisite to the other workshops.

Think About Communication HBDI® Workshop

This course focuses on communication preferences and leveraging HBDI® preferred thinking styles. Break free of communication barriers and misunderstandings through whole-brain® activities. By the end of this course, participants will be able to adjust communication styles to better meet the reception of their audiences. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Think About Teams HBDI® Workshop

By sharing profiles, participants learn the value of a diverse team. Get the best results from each team member through whole-brain activities. By the end of this session, participants will understand how to maximize their own strengths and value team members’ contributions. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Think About Your Customers HBDI® Workshop

Individual thinking preferences affect communication with customers. In this course, participants learn to identify each customer’s thinking preference and use this information to adapt their own preference style to guide the situation. By the end of this course, participants will be able to adapt thinking preferences for the customer and achieve greater customer and client relations. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Think About Your Problem Solving HBDI® Workshop

Participants learn how thinking preferences impact problem solving. Learn to appreciate how cognitive diversity contributes to the problem-solving process. By the end of this course, participants will be able to leverage HBDI® and whole-brain® thinking to achieve better problem solving skills. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Think About Decision-Making HBDI® Workshop

Thinking preferences contribute to the way decisions are made on the job. In this course, participants learn to be mindful of decision-making aspects that receive less attention. By the end of this course, participants will be able to utilize a whole-brain® decision filter to plan for big decisions. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Think About Innovation HBDI® Workshop

Uncover your creative potential by leveraging HBDI® and your diverse thinking preferences. This group workshop highlights tools and techniques to enhance creative output and innovative ideas. By the end of this course, participants will use their thinking preferences to generate and gain buy-in for new ideas. Participants must attend the “Start Thinking Workshop” as a prerequisite.

Multi-Generational Diversity

People from up to five different generations are working in today’s workforce. Individuals in each generation have fundamentally different life experiences and influences than those in generations before or after them. These distinctive life experiences lead to differences in how we express values, in our sources of motivation, and in our preferences for communication. Help your participants gain a better understanding of the generations and how their unique experiences and expectations impact their view of the workplace. They will be able to identify the challenges and learn techniques that foster respectful communication and positive interaction with all groups.

Multi-Cultural Diversity

Diversity is growing in the workplace. As organizations turn to hiring employees from many parts of the world, there in an increased need for cultural understanding. Culture is the shared values, traditions, norms, customs, art, history, folklore and institutions of a specific group of people. Cultural Competency teaches the willingness and ability to interact respectfully and effectively with individuals and groups, acknowledging the common and different elements of our cultural identities. The result is words and actions that recognize, affirm and value the worth of individuals and communities and protect and preserve the dignity of each.

Appreciating Diverse Teams

From fundamental attribution errors to micro-inequities, Appreciating Diverse Teams explores the subtle ways that limitations occur and how to combat them by fostering an environment that focuses on building respectful interactions. The program defines diversity in broad terms, recognizing that people see differences in varying ways. Professionals at every level will learn how to take proactive steps to find and capitalize on unique skills as well as exercise flexible thinking and seek personal growth.

Innovation Through Diversity

Motivelopment works with your company to show employees the value of tapping into diverse thinking and backgrounds to drive innovative ideas and outcomes. We share learning tools needed to ensure that individuals unite around a common mission, value diversity, rise above personal slights, take responsibility to cultivate unique and valuable outcomes. This training will help model behaviors as well as teach the value of getting to know one another as individuals.